Spring is Here!

With the arrival of spring rains, amphibians will be crossing our roadways – watching for them and avoiding them can help. Learn more from The Connecticut Audubon at a 3 part web series titled: “Amphibians Three Part Web Series”, available at: https://www.ctaudubon.org/2022/02/amphibians-three-part-web-series/ Developers are restoring landscapes more. Most recently, the New York Times wrote: ,… Continue reading Spring is Here!

Value of Urban Trees

People’s Bank Plaza The improvements to the plaza at People’s Bank Plaza at 850 Main Street in Bridgeport, Connecticut represents a fulfilled desire by many to create an environment that nurtures and enhances the experience of residents, employees, and visitors. Research reflects a real value to trees and nature in the urban environment. Such transformations… Continue reading Value of Urban Trees