Spring is Here!

With the arrival of spring rains, amphibians will be crossing our roadways – watching for them and avoiding them can help. Learn more from The Connecticut Audubon at a 3 part web series titled: “Amphibians Three Part Web Series”, available at: https://www.ctaudubon.org/2022/02/amphibians-three-part-web-series/ Developers are restoring landscapes more. Most recently, the New York Times wrote: ,… Continue reading Spring is Here!

Wayne Street Park

Construction has begun at Wayne Street Park, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The site, a little over a ½ acre in size, will bring a critical recreational opportunity for the residential community. The project is a result of a grant from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection that was secured by the City during the… Continue reading Wayne Street Park

New London Recreational Center

The planning for construction of a 60,000 square foot Recreational Center is underway in the City of New London. Aris Land Studio is working with Silver/Petrucelli + Associates to develop the plans for this important project. Goals are to bid parts of the project this year. The site is located adjacent toFort Trumbull – the… Continue reading New London Recreational Center

Value of Urban Trees

People’s Bank Plaza The improvements to the plaza at People’s Bank Plaza at 850 Main Street in Bridgeport, Connecticut represents a fulfilled desire by many to create an environment that nurtures and enhances the experience of residents, employees, and visitors. Research reflects a real value to trees and nature in the urban environment. Such transformations… Continue reading Value of Urban Trees

Advocacy: In support of House Bill 5429

Advocacy:  Aris W. Stalis testified as a representative of the Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects at the Public Hearing of the Committee on Transportation in Connecticut in support of House Bill 5429 (https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&which_year=2021&bill_num=5429): An Act Concerning Pedestrian Safety. His testimony highlighted the following strategies:      Granting pedestrian rights of way at… Continue reading Advocacy: In support of House Bill 5429

Project Completion: H. Smith Richardson Golf Course Clubhouse

Project Completion:  The final punch list is nearly complete for H. Smith Richardson Golf Course Clubhouse. A few items require attention in the spring, but the majority of work is complete, ending a 30 month process from initial design programming, through construction. We look forward to a formal ribbon cutting in the spring, when the… Continue reading Project Completion: H. Smith Richardson Golf Course Clubhouse

Under Construction: Mill Hill Elementary School

Under Construction: The oak at Mill Hill Elementary School with framing. Something we continue to monitor.

Construction Starting: Mill Hill Elementary School

28 August 2020: Work has begun at the Mill Hill Elementary School. Of high importance is the protection and preservation of a 35”diameter oak (Scarlet Oak – Quercus coccinea).